The City of Port Moody has a long history, first as a Gold Rush town and then as a small industrial city secluded on the edge of Vancouver. Recently, Port Moody has gone through many changes with a boom in small businesses, and becoming more accessible than ever before with the Evergreen Skytrain Line. With so many changes it was time to give Port Moody a brand that matches who they are now.

The City of Port Moody has a beautiful natural location and a small town community feel while still being accessible to downtown Vancouver. The city is in a perfect position to attract a younger audience looking to move out of the unaffordable Vancouver market. The previous positioning of Port Moody as the City of the Arts only represents a small part of what the city has to offer. The rebrand needs to be something a younger audience can connect with and feel like it accurately represents them as a community.
The brand focuses on three words:
The natural, yet bold, visual identity developed from these words create a hipster vibe which will stand out to a younger audience.

The implementation of this rebrand would provide clarity to the essence of Port Moody and what it has to offer to new residents and visitors. It may also bring media coverage highlighting the city as a destination. Finally the rebrand could go beyond providing a rebrand for government services and provide a sense of identity to the city as a whole.
Photography sourced from Unsplash.